
Therapies provided by dermatologists include: Excision and treatment of skin cancer Cryosurgery for the treatment of warts, skin cancers, and other dermatoses Cosmetic filler injections Intralesional treatment with steroid drugs or chemotherapy Laser therapy for the management of birth marks, skin disorders (like vitiligo), tattoo removal, and cosmetic resurfacing and rejuvenation Chemical peels for the treatment of acne, melasma, and sun damage Photodynamic therapy for the treatment of skin cancer and precancerous growths Phototherapy including the use of narrowband UVB, broadband UVB, psoralen, and UVB Tumescent liposuction: Invented by a gynecologist, a dermatologist (Dr. Jeffrey A. Klein) adapted the procedure to local infusion of dilute anesthetic called tumescent liposuction. This method is now widely practiced by dermatologists, plastic surgeons, and gynecologists.[42] Radiation therapy, although rarely practiced by dermatologists, some continue to provide it in their offices. Vitiligo surgery includes procedures such as autologous melanocyte transplant, suction blister grafting, and punch grafting. Allergy testing uses "patch" testing for contact dermatitis. Systemic therapies include antibiotics, immunomodulators, and novel injectable products. Topical therapies use many of the numerous products and compounds used topically.

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